“I was contemplating with putting these images on my website. I don’t typically share a lot about my travels. I also just don’t want to admit that my time in this incredible country is over. I recently had the privilege and pleasure of getting to chaperone a group of 24 amazing 18-20 something’s to Israel for 2 weeks—A challenge that both frightened and excited me. People often buy into the narrative they’re told about the terrifying horrors of the Middle East, They believe israel is a “warzone”. I was questioned why I wanted to be responsible for people here, the response I had was simple; Israel is a real country with real people & a history that often gets lost in translation. I feel a responsibility to continue to learn more and to help others get a better understanding of the rich history of the Jewish people. To hopefully help them gain a deeper appreciation for why a Jewish state exists. I often feel safer on the streets of Israel than I do in the streets of Los Angeles.I made a promise to myself that I would jump into this trip with my eyes and my heart wide open. I am always hungry and eager to learn more about the land that I have always felt so connected to. I wanted to soak up everything I possibly could, both the good and the bad. I can say with wholehearted transparency that I kept that promise to myself. Israel is my homeland, a country that enamors me. To be surrounded by people of all walks of life who share one thing in common is truly an unforgettable feeling.Leaving this country I am taking back so much more than I anticipated. I am always sad to go, but this trip was different for me. I am coming back to Los Angeles, overwhelmed with a deep sense of pride. I am proud to be a Zionist. I am proud to be Jewish. More than anything else, I am proud to be just what and who I am. Until next time🇮🇱”
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